Privacy Policy for iCapicua


Welcome to iCapicua. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data.

Data We Collect

We do not collect any personal data. Our commitment is to provide a secure and enriching experience without compromising your personal data.

Data Sharing and Transfer

iCapicua does not share or transfer any data as no data is collected in the first place.

Data Retention

No data is saved or retained since no data is collected.

User Data Access

Since we do not collect or retain any user data, there's no data access provision.

Cookies and Tracking

iCapicua does not use cookies or any other tracking tools.

Push Notifications

We may send you push notifications regarding updates or information pertinent to the app. You have the option to turn these notifications off at any time through the app or device settings.

Contacting Us

For any questions or concerns related to our privacy practices, please contact us at

Changes to this Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may update our Privacy Policy. Any changes will be promptly reflected here, and your continued use of iCapicua after such amendments signifies your acceptance to the revised policy.